Tuesday, December 2, 2008


ive been having a hard time getting remotivated for my weight loss. i am not different than anyone else around me...well maybe a lil bit different. one of the exercises (thing #21) had us looking at podcasts.
i found one. it was a motivational speaker - scott smith. it was talking about learning and teaching. i went to his site to see what he had to say. the podcasts cost $$ to subscribe but he had one that was free. while i was listening i was looking at his site.
there were many things i found there that reminded me that it was up to me to do this for me and the only way i was going to do it for me was to make the best decisions i could make one at a time. take little steps and one decision at a time. you will reap the benefits.
(i know this is not directly related to thing #21 - but listening to his podcast and this is the result of that.
podcasts are a great way to share information. i think there are ways the library could use them for how to use the library, exploring sections of the library, geneology, history of the library, etc. i think there are ways to broadcast library related information in this manner...anyone can access these from anywhere, even in the classroom - they dont have to be at the library. students can then have knowledge of the library before even getting here.

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