Tuesday, December 2, 2008

10 random things about me...

1) I’ve lived on both coasts – Washington state is where I was born…then I lived in Boston for a year
2) I lived at the rollerskating rink as a teen– three nights a week (and some days too) for a long time and yes that was back when disco was hot!
3) I've had dinner with the former Secretary General of the UN Kofi Annan – he and my father were in the same fellowship program at MIT. He and his wife would come over regularly to have dinner along with some of the rest of the class. I was 5 at the time.
4) I have performed on the stage of the Ohio Theater – I was the “Louisiana Purchase” as part of a history performance for the July 4th celebration by the Barnett Recreation Center as a kid.
5) Penguins got me into kindergarten - I had to test to get into kindergarten a year early. The teacher showed various pictures for recognition. I recognized the penguin and launched into a long story about how my dad was going to walk the penguins and turn our rooms into the penguin pen. My story cinched it. I was admitted.
6) I lost 225 lbs
7) I’ve been to 45 of the 50 states – I do hope to get to all 50 before I die!
8) I can tie a cherry stem into a knot without my hands
9) I’ve been inked. I just got my first tattoo commemorating my weight loss.
10) I live on an island.

1 comment:

Joy in Digital Services said...

omg, i used to go to the united skates of america and rollerskate and dance to the disco music in their "inferno!" ha! love it!