Tuesday, December 2, 2008

10 random things about me...

1) I’ve lived on both coasts – Washington state is where I was born…then I lived in Boston for a year
2) I lived at the rollerskating rink as a teen– three nights a week (and some days too) for a long time and yes that was back when disco was hot!
3) I've had dinner with the former Secretary General of the UN Kofi Annan – he and my father were in the same fellowship program at MIT. He and his wife would come over regularly to have dinner along with some of the rest of the class. I was 5 at the time.
4) I have performed on the stage of the Ohio Theater – I was the “Louisiana Purchase” as part of a history performance for the July 4th celebration by the Barnett Recreation Center as a kid.
5) Penguins got me into kindergarten - I had to test to get into kindergarten a year early. The teacher showed various pictures for recognition. I recognized the penguin and launched into a long story about how my dad was going to walk the penguins and turn our rooms into the penguin pen. My story cinched it. I was admitted.
6) I lost 225 lbs
7) I’ve been to 45 of the 50 states – I do hope to get to all 50 before I die!
8) I can tie a cherry stem into a knot without my hands
9) I’ve been inked. I just got my first tattoo commemorating my weight loss.
10) I live on an island.

the end...or is it?

a picture of my 23 things checked off!
nope it is not the end of learn and play. l&p has opened my eyes to many resources online. i knew coming into this experience that i was usuing only a minute fraction of the resources out there. and you have only opened my eyes to a minute fraction more. many of them have given me possibilities for use in the future.
i like twitter a lot. i LOVE youtube - love the useless videos and there are useful ones too but those usually arent so funny! some of the others were interesting to say the least but not necessarily applicable. some of the applications i will use moving forward.
i appreciate the opportunity afforded me by the l&p team..you guys are fantastic. also i appreciate elt and my boss for believing that my time learning and playing is so very important.
and mr 2.0...when you brought the incentives ideas to the budget babes, i was a naysayer, but knew that there's nothing like a lil bit of incentive to have folks participate. the reason i finished was to get my stick! the funny thing is that along the way i definitely learned a thing or two. thanks again for a great journey! and leading this horse to water!

ugh moldi

this was a pain in the butt. i love that we can access books, music, etc thru an online website. this is a very useful tool...when i went to download a selection, i could not get it to download. i know i did something wrong however....i hate when i cant do technological things simply and easily.
to be honest the worst part is that i dont have a valid library card here...im also out of county. yes i am a bit embarassed by that too.
great resource. it's the wave of the future...and the future is here!


ive been having a hard time getting remotivated for my weight loss. i am not different than anyone else around me...well maybe a lil bit different. one of the exercises (thing #21) had us looking at podcasts.
i found one. it was a motivational speaker - scott smith. it was talking about learning and teaching. i went to his site to see what he had to say. the podcasts cost $$ to subscribe but he had one that was free. while i was listening i was looking at his site.
there were many things i found there that reminded me that it was up to me to do this for me and the only way i was going to do it for me was to make the best decisions i could make one at a time. take little steps and one decision at a time. you will reap the benefits.
(i know this is not directly related to thing #21 - but listening to his podcast and this is the result of that.
podcasts are a great way to share information. i think there are ways the library could use them for how to use the library, exploring sections of the library, geneology, history of the library, etc. i think there are ways to broadcast library related information in this manner...anyone can access these from anywhere, even in the classroom - they dont have to be at the library. students can then have knowledge of the library before even getting here.

woohoo 51 things...

i was looking at youtube which i totally love btw! i have loved it for a while now. but i found this video which reminded me of helenes 10 random things blog...
so i had to post it here. it cracked me up and got me to thinking what 51 things would i show if i could....

cml toolbox

some of the tools in the "toolbox" we had reviewed from the 23 things or things that i already had used before - gmail, delicious, twitter.
i chose a couple of others to look at tho - boing boing and make for example. i got lost on boingboing - there was so much information to look at. i loved the gadgets section. it was fun going thru all of the things reviewed there.
i commented on the gmail accounts. i love my gmail. i love google maps too (yes i know this is not part of this exercise but thinking about google functionality made me think of google maps). the feature that allows access to street level views of houses, while a little bit scary is also wonderful for being able to identify homes or businesses at a glance. you feel like you have been there before.
what a useful section to the cml website. it truly supports cml as "learning central"!

other sites that might be fun or helpful...

thing 18...
from the awards short list i saw several sites that i knew about or am a part of, i.e. myspace, google maps, linked in, etc. i chose peertrainer to explore.
peertrainer seems to be a combination of social networking and health related information. it supports you by giving accountability to your eating/health/exercise regimes.
you can register for a tip of the day helping you with motivation, eating, exercise, etc. you can look up caloric counting. it also tracks weight watchers points for foods. you have access to recipes as well. it is a one stop shopping for those who need information on anything related to diet exercise and general good health.
you can join discussion groups on many broad topics or even have fitness buddies. these buddies will help to keep you accountable to whatever diet/exercise regime you choose. you can create your own group for better health and blog about it.
i love the fact that you can get so much information and have friends - both new and old help you keep on track.

Monday, December 1, 2008

google docs

so i tried google docs. about two weeks ago i was working on something for a friend related to a plastic surgery website. this tool would have helped immensely. we both had different versions of word. they were not compatible. i had to resend the document several times. we finally found that it was not compatible and had to copy and paste into an email document.
i will keep in mind this option for the future. it will allow jan and i to work collaboratively as well.


ahhhh i did it! one more "thing" down!
i added my own blog to the staff blogs...yippee!

library 2.0 - what it means to me

i have read many of the articles. from my perspective the library industry needs to change and quickly. however with tightening budgets it might be downright impossible for smaller libraries to keep up with the monsters of the library world.
we have seen significant increases in our own budget to accommodate the 2.0 technological world.
the idea of technology and the change related to the glut of information now available can be overwhelming. what is more overwhelming to me is the budget related to all of this evolving technology.
while we "try" things out for the benefit of the customer and many programs are available for free, my concern is directly related to what impact this has on the budget. our staff has been entirely creative about getting things to try (learn and play for example) and paying for it in a way that eases budget constraints thru donations and outside funding.
for small libraries, it is near impossible to compete, thus keeping up as they should. libraries are important institutions and we should keep in mind the effect of this exciting new world in relation to the impact on the budget.
im here to help shape the 2.0 applications as related directly to our budget concerns.

mmm delicious

not delicious in the normal way you might think related to food...
this is a bookmarking website. you can track all of your favorite sites and catalog them for others to review. you can also catalog your favorite sites for easy access and usage.
i like this tool. it was easy to upload and catalog my existing favorites. my favs show along the top in the toolbar making it easy to find things at glance.


i think this might be my next addiction...
twitter...it could seriously rock! i have to explore more to see what is available. what i have seen so far could be so useful in exchanging a quick word of encouragement...creating a community for support and butt kicking if needed.

in the weight loss world, i can totally see using this for sharing a quick book found or word of encouragement for a job well done for eating right or exercising. what a cool tool. and many others could join your group and give their unique suggestions as to how they handled a situation. this might be cool when handling the holidays or going somewhere where you might have a difficult choice. send a tweet...chirp on!

you can find me tweeting on twitter as budgetbabekb

wikis and weight loss...

hmmm so looking at wikis related to weight loss surgery and how to incorporate them. im not sure entirely how to do that. i see their usefulness related to things like editing a huge document for many folks or in the video example i see about dealing with folks across many lines.
i went on a trip with some friends and it would have helped to be able to compile the lists of things to take and locations to visit.
i dont like wikis so well....but can see that it might be good for other applications.

my library thingy...

so i was looking for weight loss related surgery things for long term post ops...
there were some really good options that i found and made a library of options. you will see some other options too tho...
weight loss surgery for dummies
and longer term weight loss things...
great resources (the books and the website for library thing) and a library you can access and see what kinds of books there are out there and what kinds of things that other people read too.
look for the link at the top of my page called library thing. that will take you to my library.

just a few promises i needed to make

i found a picture generator and was playing with it for thing 10 on my learn and play journey. but i had a conversation recently about promises i made to myself and keeping them in the forefront. that reminding myself why i had surgery was so important. i need to be successful for me.
this is one way for me to help myself. i made an ecard that i will use to help remind me of why i had surgery and the things i need to do...

more on rss feeds

so i was looking for rss feeds for walking and weight loss surgery to supplement what i know and share with the group here. each of the searches i made and found a couple of sites with rss feeds that might apply to weight loss surgery or walking - which is how i get my exercise in on most times (when i am good and actually make the concerted effort to exercise - which is not a part of my routine...ugh).
each of the sites i found didnt have rss feeds attached to them. altho i found someone named marina who did have walking information and an rss feed attached.
again the whole rss feed thing still confuses me. i know what they are for. just cant really find one that relates how i would like it to.
i looked at topix and syndic8. they were seemingly pretty easy to look thru and tons of information and topics are there to choose from.